February 2023
Trapping Line News - Wayne Sowman
It has been a very busy two months checking traps and putting wasp bait out and bringing it in.
We cover a very big area: Village trapline area Whisky line, Mt Robert Rd, Speargrass, John Tait hut to Coldwater, Lake head to swing bridge West Sabine to Sabine hut at Lake Rotoroa. Thank you to all the volunteers who helped.
Catches for the lines over the last 6weeks
Whisky 37 rats 3 possum 3 stoat.
Mt Robert Rd 5 rats 2 possum 1 stoat.
Speargrass 22 rats 4 possum 1 stoat
Tophouse 1 stoat 1 ferret 1 rabbit 1 rat.
Link 6 rats 4 mice
Loop RNRP 8 rats 2 mice.
Next check for the Whisky line will be the week of the 6th March. Mt Robert Speargrass, the week of 20th March.
If you can help please let me know.
Cheers Wayne
Te Whakarauora whio News - Butch Goodwin
Wayne and Graeme on the Sabine to Blue Lake line.
2022 was a busy time for FOR with the additional volunteer work required on the Te Whakarauora whio – Friends of Rotoiti project to build, deploy and check fifty-two kilometres of trap line from lake Rotoiti, lakehead to the upper Travers hut and lake Rotoroa to Blue Lake up the Sabine valley.
The purpose of this trap line is to help protect the rivers edge of predator’s that prey on our threatened species, specifically Whio or the blue duck as these ducks have diminished over time and this project with the assistance of the team from the department of conservation at the lake plan to translocate whio back into the national park early 2024 once we have completed a full years trapping and whio has been sourced from other populated areas of the south island.
This trap line is one of the longest in the country and we are very grateful for the local support we have received from the community and DOC along with the Rata Foundation who provided Friends of Rotoiti with the funding to see this project through.
A very special thanks to the A team and all volunteers that contributed to this project which exceeds 3000 volunteer hours.
As a voluntary organisation Friends of Rotoiti are always looking for more volunteers and funding to assist with the conservation work that started some twenty years ago, as Drew would say “It’s a job for life” and it does make a difference throughout the village and the wider Nelson Lakes National Park.
For $1.00 a week or $52.00 a year your donation will enable Friends of Rotoiti to continue with their great work.
Wayne and Graeme on the Sabine to Blue Lake line